Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Times New Video Alignment

Really excited to show off the video I have completed with Luke Abbott for Luke's track Trans Forest Alignment.

Inspired by the colour separation techniques used in the 1979 short film by amateur cinematographer J. Ron Chapman 'The Magic Sea' (which provided the colourful still that adorns the cover of Luke Abbott's 'Holkham Drones' album), and filmed on the album's namesake Holkham beach in Norfolk and along the coast in Cromer.

Read more at I will also be playing some shows with Luke later this year providing visuals to his live set.


I have also been lucky enough to contribute to the Times New Viking video, No Room to Live

My friend Brandon directed and co-ordinated it with his partner in crime Pelham Johnston. I'm planning to produce live visuals for the band again. They are due to land on European shores this spring, to tour their new record which is to be released on Merge records.
Read more on Pitchfork.

Been a busy time for videos and more on their way ....

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Holkham Drone Zone

To say i'm excited about this, would be an understatement. To coincide with the release of Luke Abbott's superb album Holkham Drones the latest instalment of Border Community's regular nights at Corsica Studios takes on a distinctly DRONE theme. The main room, is as always under James Holden's safe controls with Perc alongside and a Margot live set to boot ! (which will be immense) is complemented by the second room now for ever dubbed 'The Holkham Drone Zone' hosted by the maestro of Drone DJ Wesley Matsell, but also featuring the battleships game royal of Luke and James' modular drone off, the truly Unexpectable ineractive choir and myself performing a live version of 'Tele Chromatic Distortion'.

If you can get yourself there - Do!  Corsica is a great venue and with such lavish entertainment it's bound to be a memorable evening.

you can facebook the event here and the official ticket source is here

Wooo !  

Friday, 20 August 2010

Exhibition Images

Here are some shots of my recent exhibition at The Rumsey Wells, these are made up from of specially printed postcards. The images are based from photographs of lasers i've taken in clubs and then manipulated into three dimensions using the five platonic solids. The postcards are arranged in idiosyncratic patterns that appear almost stereoscopic in nature.

Monday, 19 July 2010

Lazer Paisley

I have an exhibition taking place on the 22nd July located in 'The Underbelly' of the Rumsey Wells Pub in Norwich.

The work is based on my experiences of performing live visuals in clubs, lasers, colour theory and the ideas of Johannes Kepler.

I'm playing records at the opening with my friend Luke:

Opening Night - In the Underbelly at The Rumsey Wells, Thursday July 22nd, 8pm until 12am
Gallery Opening Times - Monday 12-5, Tuesday to Friday 1-3

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Lazer Paisley

got some work in progress for an upcoming exhibition in Norwich, excited by these images

more soon...

Friday, 25 June 2010


The awesome Jorn has kindly posted a feature on his blog about the Burnt Sienna video I produced for Walls. Check out his words and other posts here.


Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Walls Burnt Sienna

I have produced this video for signing Walls

Check it out here: >

Hope you enjoy.